Travelling around the country to investigate into Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing sector.
26 Octubre 2017
What are the main conditions for launching effective Industry 4.0 programmes in the country? And what are the main requirements for starting smart innovation programmes and triggering digital transformation processes?
These are some of the themes discussed at the “A journey in Industry 4.0” event, organized in collaboration with “Impresa e Territori del Sole 24 ORE”, which has travelled across the country passing through the main cities to get to know the companies that are in the process of tackling the digital transformation.
In particular, the meetings analysed Plan 4.0 in the manufacturing sector, seen as a new growth strategy for the fourth industrial revolution and an opportunity for SMEs to change their business model and grow not only in Italy but also on the international scene.
Exprivia contributes to the discussion of these themes by providing its vision of the state of the art on digital transformation in the SMEs based in Puglia, by taking part in the round table entitled “Smart innovation: the digital transformation and investments for growth” with a speech by Gianni Sebastiano, Strategic Planning Director and Investor Relator.