Exprivia sponsors the “Assinter Academy” Project held from April to December 2016, at the Polytechnic of Milan.
01 Abril 2016
“Assinter Academy”, which has reached its third edition, is organized in collaboration with the best Italian universities and the main private ICT players, with a view to favouring the development of skills for ICT management in Public Administrations.
The project, in which Exprivia takes part, consists of a training course made up of two programmes, MIDAP (Management of Digital Innovation in Public Administration) and eHEALTH (Management of regional and corporate eHealth networks – EHR Electronic Health Record, Health Dossier, Pathology courses) and a cycle of four workshops held to favour discussion with the main representatives of the institutions and private companies on management and health issues.
In fact, during the session entitled “Electronic Health Record and Diagnostic Imaging" Exprivia took part in the workshop on "The critical problems of the EHR Electronic Health Record and the guarantee of interoperability", which was held last June at the end of the first three months of training.
For information: http://www.assinteritalia.it/Assinter-Academy