
Fall Cetif Summit - Analitycs 2 Experience

13 November 2019, Milan

13 November 2019

The CeTIF Summit is a meeting organized in collaboration with banks, insurance companies and partner companies with the aim of exploring the topics of digital banking, digital insurance, digital payments & card and digital wealth management, through the presentation of the results of the research HUBs in the first half of 2019 and the comparison with the main players in the sector.
The agenda of the summit includes a plenary session with a scenario opening by CeTIF and subsequent in-depth sessions such as the one dedicated to the theme of digital insurance, in which Exprivia|Italtel takes part as CeTIF Gold Partner.

Francesco Bellifemine, Director of Healthcare & Smart Cities at Exprivia, participates in the round table scheduled from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm as part of the specific session entitled "The phigital UX in wealth and welfare services”, scheduled at the Pio XI classroom of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan.

For further details consult the event website at: www.cetif.it/Giornata/
