Exprivia | Italtel at "Torino Stratosferica" utopian hours
18 October 2019
Torino Stratosferica is an independent initiative that aims to create the best possible image of the city, flying high and looking ahead. An ambitious collective vision, fueled by the ideas of various representatives of the local creative industry.
Utopian Hours, which fits into this context, is the first international city making festival in Italy, where city makers from all over the world meet for an open dialogue. The third edition is held from 18 to 20 October 2019 in Turin, at “Nuvola Lavazza”.
On Friday 18, from 4.00pm to 5.00pm, the talk "The city is smart" opens the 2019 edition of the festival. What does it really mean to become a smart city? What horizons does a more connected city open? Which are the benefits? The main players of the meeting, Cisco and Exprivia | Italtel, describe the Smart City projects at an international level, the Digitaliani project - a Cisco program to accelerate the digitization of our country - and also the projects being implemented in some large Italian cities, including Turin. For Exprivia | Italtel makes a speech Luca Ferraris, Head of Innovation, Marketing & Technology, with a presentation entitled "the city of the future".