Exprivia | Italtel at the Smart Contract event to talk about Blockchain
08 May 2019
Giorgio Angiolini, Portfolio Marketing Manager at Exprivia|Italtel and one of the Italian experts of Blockchain recently selected by the MISE, speaks on May 8th at the “Smart Contract” study day organized by Paradigma, to present to the participants his vision on the application of smart contracts in the industrial sector.
During the day, we will emphasise the legal qualification of smart contracts, analyze the technologies supporting the tool and showcase their possible applications for companies and groups.
The aim of the meeting, which starts at 9.00 am and ends at 6.00 pm, is to provide a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the smart contract discipline, verifying the practical applications within the company.
Admission to the event is subject to a fee.
For more details: www.paradigma.it/iniziativa/smart-contract/#programmadf7c-7d3b