The innovation for exploring and creating new business opportunities
where pilot projects can be developed
The Innovation Lab is the backbone of Exprivia's research, development and technology integration activities. An open place for exchanging experience and knowledge with the academic and research world, it has led to the start-up of several partnership projects with leading research institutions such as the Milan and Bari polytechnics, La Sapienza, Bari and Salento universities, CNR and Cefriel. With Cefriel it will be promoting “tech frontier” projects through a special commercial partnership programme.
The Innovation Lab identifies and adapts innovation opportunities to the corporate business model, coordinates projects receiving public grants, creates innovative technologies and solutions for transfer to the business production areas and enhances the company's expertise by helping to create new, distinctive skills.
Lella Eufemia Innovation Lab Exprivia
Andrea Pazienza Innovation Lab Exprivia
The research carried out by theExprivia Innovation Lab and published in the international Evolving Systemsjournal analyses how to exploit the best Machine Learning model to predict the clinical risk category of patients with a limited number of vital parameters.
We develop revolutionary solutions in new application areas working synergistically in projects co-financed by the European Union.
Andrea Pazienza, Exprivia Innovation Specialist
Consult the Paper published in the proceedings of the international AIxIA 2020 – Advances in Artificial Intelligence conference
Download the Paper published in the international science journal MDPI Electronics
Download the Paper delivered through the collaboration between Exprivia and the Universidad de Zaragoza. An important result achieved thanks to the virtuous relationship between academic and industrial research.