Exprivia S.p.A.

Exprivia Bond

Exprivia S.p.A.
To access this section of the website, you must carefully read and accept the disclosure reported hereunder. By accessing this section of the website, you accept that you are subject to the terms and conditions shown hereunder, which may be modified or updated and, for that reason, must be read fully each time you access this site.

The admission document shown in this section of the website (the “Admission Document”) is a document for admission to the professional segment (ExtraMOT) of the ExtraMOT market operated by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., of the debt securities issued by Exprivia S.p.A., and was drafted in accordance with the ExtraMOT Market Regulation (“ExtraMOT Regulation”).
The debt securities are reserved exclusively for subscription by entities that fall within the category of professional investors subject to prudential supervision in accordance with special laws pursuant to art. 2483 of the Italian Civil Code ("Professional Investors"). In the event of subsequent circulation of the debt securities, Exprivia S.p.A. cannot transfer the debt securities to subjects who are not professional investors nor is a transfer enforceable against Exprivia S.p.A.
Neither the Admission Document nor the transaction described therein constitute a public offer of financial instruments nor an admission of financial instruments to a regulated market as defined by Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998, as subsequently amended and supplemented (the "Consolidated Law on Finance"), Consob Regulation no. 11971 of 14 May 1999, as subsequently amended and supplemented (“Regulation 11971”) and the equivalent legal and regulatory provisions applicable overseas. The publication of the Admission Document was not authorised by Consob in accordance with EU Directive 2003/71/EC or any other rule or regulation governing the drafting and publication of information prospectuses in accordance with articles 94 and 113 of the Consolidated Law on Finance, including therein Regulation 11971. The information contained in this section of the website is circulated in application of the ExtraMOT Regulation.
This section of the website, the Admission Document and any other information contained in the following pages can only be accessed by subjects who: (i) are resident in Italy and who are not domiciled nor, in any case, currently in the United States of America, Australia, Japan, Canada as well as in any other country in which the circulation of the Admission Document and/or said information requires the approval of the competent local Authorities or is in violation of local rules or regulations (“Other Countries”); (ii) are not "U.S. Persons" according to the definition contained in Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as subsequently amended and supplemented.
"U.S. Persons” are prohibited from accessing this section of the website, temporarily or permanently storing and saving the Admission Document and any other information contained in this section of the website. The information in this section of the website cannot be copied or forwarded. The Admission Document and any other information contained in this section of the website cannot, for any reason and under any circumstances whatsoever, be circulated, directly or via third parties, outside of Italy, particularly to the United States, Australia, Japan, Canada or to Other Countries, nor can the Admission Document be distributed to persons not resident in Italy.

In order to access this section of the website, the Admission Document and any other information contained in the following pages, I declare, under my full responsibility, that I am resident in Italy and that I am neither domiciled nor currently in the United States of America, Australia, Japan, Canada or Other Countries and am not a "U.S. Person" as defined in Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as subsequently amended and supplemented.

