Industrial Machinery & Components Industry: real-time software platform

Exprivia and SAP S/4HANA: the definitive software for Industry
SAP S/4HANA: Supply Chain and Production, integration of management systems and shop floors, management of new sales channels and innovative and profitable post-sales services
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Operating in the Industrial Machinery & Components market means demonstrating flexibility and the capacity to process a large amount of data in R&D, responsiveness and information sharing in the Supply Chain and Production, the integration of management systems and shop floors, the management of new sales channels and innovative post-sales services.

The Exprivia proposal

The challenges dictated by business require innovative IT solutions and systems, which must guarantee flexibility and efficient performance to the company, as well as easy use by users.
Exprivia's answer is the integration of SAP S/4HANA for IM&C: the real-time platform that simplifies business management, increases user productivity and reduces IT total cost of ownership

The Benefits

Companies in the IM&C segment which adopt this solution will have the best tool for rationalising and optimising their processes with:

  • integrated management of all company functions;
  • always available data;
  • fast access to reporting and planning information;
  • Smart Business Cockpits that facilitate the ability to make decisions;
  • availability on every mobile device;
  • native connections to the Internet of Things.

In fact, its correct integration allows:

  • centralised management of product and project data, accessible in real-time;
  • sales force leads, prospects and opportunities monitored in real-time;
  • inventory levels and missing materials all visible in a single real-time screen;
  • constant and real-time monitoring of the entire production chain;
  • accuracy in the quality control process;
  • integrated and real-time planning of resources, materials and the workforce.