AURORA: test to make safer daybreak in cities starts

Exprivia creates the Experiment Monitoring Station - EMS platform, an essential asset at the Grottaglie airport test bed - GATB for managing flight experiments

Exprivia's mission

  • Real-time mission monitoring​
  • Debriefing session​
  • Flight data analysis​
  • Experiment catalogue​
  • System performance data management​
  • Flight plan management

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AURORA project - itAlian Urban aiR mObility technologies & distRibuted test-fAcility - is an initiative financed by the Italian Space Agency - ASI in partnership with the European Space Agency - ESA which aims to create a national infrastructure to test satellite navigation technologies in urban air mobility. The project involves several companies, including the National Civil Aviation Authority - ENAC and Telespazio as leader, Exprivia and other companies in the sector. The activities will take place at various locations, including Telespazio in Rome, the Italian Aerospace Research Centre - CIRA in Capua and the Grottaglie airport in the province of Taranto.


The activity involves developing and validating new technologies and services for urban and advanced air mobility applications, such as future urban air transport, the delivery of medicines, biomedical products and goods in remote areas, support for emergency management authorities and support services for the police in urban and extra-urban areas. The design and development activities will be concentrated at the Telespazio GLASS Lab laboratory and validated in the CIRA laboratories. At the same time, the field tests will run at the Aerospace Technology District - Grottaglie Airport Test Bed - DTA-GATB.

Exprivia continues its research activity, combining innovation and sustainability, developing solutions that improve the quality of life in urban areas.

In the AURORA project, Exprivia will create the EMS Experiment Monitoring Station subsystem, whose primary functions are:

  • real-time mission monitoring
  • debriefing sessions

In carrying out the primary functions, the EMS system will process the data from the Ground Control Station via MAVLINK Link, from the GNNS Flying Box and RFS (Radio Frequency System) systems in real time. It will also create an experiment cataloguing system for analysing results, make it possible to manage flight plans to verify experimental data with planned data, implement an authentication mechanism based on roles and profile profiles, and ensure high performance and levels of safety. Finally, the EMS will be equipped with a WEB-based application with modern and user-friendly functions, will present mission data on 2D/3D cartographic layers and will allow the operator to add further layers to better contextualise the testing operations. The experiment monitoring station will allow the operator to run a replay session by retrieving all stored data in a timed-controlled manner for the required period: multiple simultaneous debriefing sessions are possible to ensure multi-user analysis.

The Experiment Monitoring Station will constitute an essential asset for developing the Grottaglie Test Bed.
