

Based on the shareholders' register as supplemented by communications relating to art. 120 of the Consolidated Finance Act and available information as at 30 June 2024, the composition of Exprivia's shareholder structure is as follows:


Shareholders Shares % on share capital Voting rights % on voting rights(1)
Abaco Innovazione S.p.A. 22.896.759 44,131% 45.773.518 61,227%
Abaco3 S.p.A. (3) 16.326.329 31,467% 16.326.329 21,838%
Other shareholders 5.411.960 10,431% 5.411.960 7,239%
Treasury Shares Held (2) 7.248.910 13,971% 7.248.910 9,696%
Total Shares 51.883.958 100,00% 74.760.717 100,00%

(1) Voting percentage determined on the basis of the total amount of voting rights as of July 11, 2023, equal to 74,760,717, disclosed pursuant to Article 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis, of Consob Regulation. 11971/1999.
(2) Voting rights related to treasury shares in the Company’s portfolio are suspended pursuant to Article 2357-ter of the Italian Civil Code..
(3) Abaco3 SpA is wholly owned by Abaco Innovazione SpA, which consequently holds a total (direct and indirect) shareholding in Exprivia of 75,60% of the share capital, equal to 83,06% of the voting rights.

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