
Bando InnovaLabs - Farma4All project

18 January 2021

18 January 2021

The Farma4all research project envisages the creation of a software platform of innovative services provided by network pharmacies, which can be accessed remotely via a website or smartphone app. This platform will help to build and strengthen a networked pharmacy identity that integrates physical and virtual reality to the benefit of both citizens/consumers and the pharmacies themselves.

On Monday 18 January, at 3pm, the event "Bando InnovaLabs - Farma4All project" will present the results of the research project and the role of modern analysis and optimisation tools in pharmacy management.
Exprivia, technological partner of the project, will hold a demo by Simone Cicerello, Software Engineer, to present the Patient Relationship Management system for the Service Pharmacy 4.0.

To attend the event: us02web.zoom.us/j/82167194631
