
CyberChallenge.IT: el programa italiano de formación y educación de ciberseguridad para jóvenes talentos

2020 Edition (versión inglesa)

20 Abril 2020

The Exprivia Group is a Platinum Sponsor of CyberChallenge.IT, the Cyber security training and information programme for talented young people aged between 16 and 23 attending participating colleges and universities. In order to create the next generation of IT security professionals, at the end of the training phase the programme involves the identification of the National Cyberdefender Team which will take part in the European Cyber Security Challenge!

The training sessions by Exprivia |Italtel, which are already in progress, are directed by Domenico Raguseo, Head of the CyberSecurity Unit.

For more information visit cyberchallenge.it/