
Exprivia | Italtel at Smart City: People, Technology and Materials

22 October 2019, Milan

22 October 2019

Exprivia | Italtel attends the “Smart City: People, Technology and Materials” event, which takes place at the Milan Triennale on October 22nd from 15.00 to 20.00 and is organized by Material ConneXion Italia in collaboration with Quadrans Foundation.

Rodrigo Rodriquez, President of Material ConneXion Italia, introduces the meeting, which is divided into two parts: blockchain and Smart City.

The complex and controversial theme of the blockchain includes numerous questions, apparently unrelated, but profoundly complementary and pertinent: trust, responsibility, transparency, sharing and competition. It also introduces the option of the immutability over time of data and decentralization, characteristics that underlie not only technological but also social innovation.

The Ministry of Economic Development, created in 2019 a task force of experts to equip our country with a national strategy regarding Distributed Ledger Technology and more generally the blockchain. The priority objective is to develop the necessary tools to create policies and regulations so that citizens and businesses, especially SMEs and start-ups, can benefit from the potential represented by the functionality of these technologies.

Giorgio Angiolini, one of the thirty experts selected by the MISE and head of the Marketing Portfolio group of Italtel, attends at the event with a presentation entitled: an intelligent infrastructure for the city of the future.

Registration for the event is free upon registration at the link: www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-smart-city-people-technology-materials-anteprima-edizione-2020-75634283177