
Exprivia will participate in the Annual AISIS Convention to be held on November 15, 2013 in Florence.

15 November 2013

The conference aims to take an in-depth look at the results and / or impacts resulting from the use of Information Technologies, with a special focus on the health care industry. The event will also be an opportunity to present and share success stories with evident results and/or benefits associated with the use of ICT in health care organisations.

Exprivia will be on hand at the event with an exhibition space and a presentation from one of Exprivia's clients, the S. Orsola Malpighi Hospital in Bologna. Dr. Valeria Mignatti, a representative from the hospital's Information Systems Department, will speak on the topic "The Multidisciplinary Patient File and electronic prescription: the experience of the Policlinico S. Orsola Malpighi"