
From comfort zones to proactivity - Measures to transform neutral behavior into proactive behaviors

7 December 2018, Bari - Confindustria Bari BAT

07 December 2018

A meeting organized in Confindustria Bari - BAT to discuss the importance of "integration and interdependence" between people / professionals within companies. The occasion is the latest book by Piero Scrimieri, Director of Human Resources and Organization of Acquedotto Pugliese, entitled "Beyond any comfortable certainty - From comfort zone to proactivity".

The meeting will be an opportunity to stimulate a debate on the cultural transition from a management of human resources based on "neutral behavior" to a management based on the so-called "proactive behaviors" of the people who work with us.
The Director of Strategic Planning of Exprivia, Gianni Sebastiano, will take part in the debate.