

from 27 to 29 September 2017 – Bari Polytechnic

26 September 2017

A city becomes intelligent only when it can offer services that can adequately take into account the real, high priority needs of its population. For this reason, Smart City solutions must be multidisciplinary, mixing together social, cultural and technical aspects. In this context, TLCs become decisive to solve these problems through digital solutions.

Exprivia will delve into these themes at the i-Cities conference to be held in Bari from 27 to 29 September, focusing on: “Digital Transformation in Smart Territories: the Industry 4.0 paradigm in a Smart City”.
The conference, which has reached its third edition, provides an opportunity for members of academia, of the industries and of public institutions to meet and define new collaborations with the main objective of presenting available innovative solutions and active research projects, as well as new ideas for new project proposals.
Exprivia will participate in the event, with an exhibition space where it will present its telemedicine solutions and the Smart City projects, as well as the following: "Telemedicine Solutions and Services: a new challenge that supports active participation of patients" within the "Well-being & E-health" session, and "Big Data in Public Administration: the design of an Urban Control Centre for supporting the decision making process" in the "Big Data for Smart Cities" session.

For additional details: sisinflab.poliba.it/icities2017/