
Lezioni di Economia

4-6 October 2019, Petruzzelli Theater - Bari

04 October 2019

“Lezioni di Economia” (Economics Lessons) are a cycle of cultural meetings organized by “Il Corriere del Mezzogiorno”. For two days, at the foyer of the Petruzzelli Theater in Bari, scientists, managers and divulgators dialogue on the theme “Towards the last Homo Sapiens or towards immortality?”. By 2050 it will be (perhaps) possible to extend life infinitely, science is discussing it. And It is discussed on Friday and Saturday at the Petruzzelli Theater during the Corriere’s lessons.

At 12.15 on Friday 4 October, Dr. D. Favuzzi, President of Exprivia|Italtel, takes part at the dialogue.