Ciberseguridad: Exprivia abre un Centro de Operaciones de Seguridad en Apulia para la seguridad de empresas, instituciones y administración pública. Pico de incidentes cibernéticos en el segundo trimestre del año

The SOC (Security Operations Center) will be based in Molfetta, already the company’s headquarters, where a team of experts will be at the disposal of Italian and international clients. Exprivia’s Cybersecurity Observatory has detected an increase of over 300% in online incidents between the first and second quarter of the year. Exprivia’s Security Operations Centre… Continua a leggere Ciberseguridad: Exprivia abre un Centro de Operaciones de Seguridad en Apulia para la seguridad de empresas, instituciones y administración pública. Pico de incidentes cibernéticos en el segundo trimestre del año

CyberSecurity: Exprivia opens security operations centre in Puglia for company, institution and PA security. Peak in cyber incidents in the second quarter of the year

The SOC (Security Operations Center) will be based in Molfetta, already the company’s headquarters, where a team of experts will be at the disposal of Italian and international clients. Exprivia’s Cybersecurity Observatory has detected an increase of over 300% in online incidents between the first and second quarter of the year. Exprivia’s Security Operations Centre… Continua a leggere CyberSecurity: Exprivia opens security operations centre in Puglia for company, institution and PA security. Peak in cyber incidents in the second quarter of the year

Sostenibilità aziendale: le esperienze dei gruppi AQP, Casillo ed Exprivia

Guarda il video  Dalla Puglia la spinta al cambiamento ambientale e sociale attraverso comportamenti etici e strumenti di rendicontazione integrati. Raccontare il successo dell’impresa non più solo con i risultati economici ma anche attraverso l’etica negli affari, la gestione delle relazioni umane, il rapporto con l’ambiente. Se ne è parlato oggi a Bari durante l’evento… Continua a leggere Sostenibilità aziendale: le esperienze dei gruppi AQP, Casillo ed Exprivia