New leap in computer attacks in Italy during the early months of the year: cybercrimes strikes scocial apps and on line banking

In the first quarter of the year, Exprivia’s Cybersecurity Observatory recorded 349 crimes, up from 2020. Covid-related IT crimes are down. Data theft tops the damage rankings. Computer attack trends still on the rise in Italy even in 2021. According to what has emerged from the first report of 2021 on computer threats in Italy… Continua a leggere New leap in computer attacks in Italy during the early months of the year: cybercrimes strikes scocial apps and on line banking

5G para empresas: Exprivia nuevo socio de Cradlepoint

Together with Cradlepoint, Exprivia can manage customised company applications by connecting people, places and objects through LTE and 5G mobile phone networks. Accelerating digital transformation in companies and public administration by developing 5G applications: this is the goal of the partnership between Exprivia and Cradlepoint, the American company specialised in wireless edge solutions for LTE… Continua a leggere 5G para empresas: Exprivia nuevo socio de Cradlepoint

5G for business: Exprivia is Cradlepoint’s new partner

Together with Cradlepoint, Exprivia can manage customised company applications by connecting people, places and objects through LTE and 5G mobile phone networks. Accelerating digital transformation in companies and public administration by developing 5G applications: this is the goal of the partnership between Exprivia and Cradlepoint, the American company specialised in wireless edge solutions for LTE… Continua a leggere 5G for business: Exprivia is Cradlepoint’s new partner

Calentamiento global: tecnología Exprivia para el satélite Copernicus que vigila el nivel del mar

After a successful launch in November 2020, the Satellite In-Orbit Verification activities have been concluded. All the ground-based infrastructure and software useful for the study of climate change and weather forecasting are currently being validated, in preparation for the start of routine operations later in December this year. The architecture design and engineering that allow… Continua a leggere Calentamiento global: tecnología Exprivia para el satélite Copernicus que vigila el nivel del mar

Global warming: Exprivia technology for Copernicus sea level satellite monitoring

After a successful launch in November 2020, the Satellite In-Orbit Verification activities have been concluded. All the ground-based infrastructure and software useful for the study of climate change and weather forecasting are currently being validated, in preparation for the start of routine operations later in December this year. The architecture design and engineering that allow… Continua a leggere Global warming: Exprivia technology for Copernicus sea level satellite monitoring