Categorie: Comunicati Stampa
Cambio en el calendario de eventos sociales de 2021
Exprivia S.p.A., a company listed on the MTA market of Borsa Italiana [XPR.MI], informs that the Board of Directors, which met today, has resolved to postpone the meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Annual Report as at 31 December 2020 from April 14th 2021 to April 30th 2021. In consideration… Continua a leggere Cambio en el calendario de eventos sociales de 2021
Change in the 2021 calendar of corporate events
Exprivia S.p.A., a company listed on the MTA market of Borsa Italiana [XPR.MI], informs that the Board of Directors, which met today, has resolved to postpone the meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Annual Report as at 31 December 2020 from April 14th 2021 to April 30th 2021. In consideration… Continua a leggere Change in the 2021 calendar of corporate events
Variazione del calendario degli eventi societari 2021
Exprivia S.p.A., società quotata al mercato MTA di Borsa Italiana [XPR.MI], informa che il Consiglio di Amministrazione, riunitosi in data odierna, ha deliberato di posticipare la riunione del Consiglio di Amministrazione per l’approvazione della Relazione Finanziaria Annuale al 31 dicembre 2020 dal 14 aprile 2021 al 30 aprile 2021. In considerazione dell’ammissione decisa dal Tribunale… Continua a leggere Variazione del calendario degli eventi societari 2021
Programa Copernicus Sentinels: Exprivia y Sony mantienen a salvo los datos sobre la salud del planeta Tierra durante 100 años
Copernicus Sentinels Program: with Exprivia and Sony, data on the health of planet Earth is safe for 100 years
Programma Copernicus Sentinels: con Exprivia e Sony al sicuro per 100 anni i dati sulla salute del pianeta Terra
Exprivia se une a la ioXt Alliance: más seguridad para los dispositivos en red
Among the first Italian companies to join the global ioXt Alliance network, Exprivia will be able to provide new services to certify the security of IoT devices, reducing the risk of exposure to cybercrime. Exprivia has become a member of the ioXt Alliance (Internet of secure things), the global network for the security of IoT… Continua a leggere Exprivia se une a la ioXt Alliance: más seguridad para los dispositivos en red
Exprivia joins ioXt Alliance: increasing security for IoT devices
Among the first Italian companies to join the global ioXt Alliance network, Exprivia will be able to provide new services to certify the security of IoT devices, reducing the risk of exposure to cybercrime. Exprivia has become a member of the ioXt Alliance (Internet of secure things), the global network for the security of IoT… Continua a leggere Exprivia joins ioXt Alliance: increasing security for IoT devices