Exprivia S.p.A., a company listed on the MTA market of Borsa Italiana [XPR.MI], announces that with regard to its subsidiary Italtel Spa, the Court of Milan has declared open the procedure of composition with creditors according to the plan proposed by Italtel pursuant to and for the effects of articles 160 and 186-bis of… Continua a leggere El Tribunal de Milán admite la propuesta de concurso de acreedores de Italtel
Categorie: Comunicati Stampa
The Court of Milan admitted the composition with creditors procedure presented by Italtel
Exprivia S.p.A., a company listed on the MTA market of Borsa Italiana [XPR.MI], announces that with regard to its subsidiary Italtel Spa, the Court of Milan has declared open the procedure of composition with creditors according to the plan proposed by Italtel pursuant to and for the effects of articles 160 and 186-bis of… Continua a leggere The Court of Milan admitted the composition with creditors procedure presented by Italtel
Ammessa dal Tribunale di Milano la proposta di concordato preventivo presentata da Italtel
Exprivia S.p.A., società quotata al mercato MTA di Borsa Italiana [XPR.MI], rende noto che nei riguardi della propria controllata Italtel S.p.a., il Tribunale di Milano ha dichiarato aperta la procedura di concordato preventivo secondo il piano proposto da Italtel ai sensi e per gli effetti degli artt. 160 e ss. e 186-bis L.F., ritenendo… Continua a leggere Ammessa dal Tribunale di Milano la proposta di concordato preventivo presentata da Italtel
A|Impact y Exprivia invierten en Areamedical24, la startup que revoluciona la asistencia sanitaria a domicilio
A|Impact and Exprivia invest in Areamedical24, th startup that has revolutionised home health care
A|Impact ed Exprivia investono in Areamedical24, la startup che rivoluziona l’assistenza sanitaria domiciliare
Cybercrime: December worst month of 2020 in Italy
Exprivia’s Cybersecurity Observatory registers a rise in cyber crimes in the final quarter of the year almost five times that of the first quarter. Finance is one of the worst hit sectors, mainly due to the increase in cashless payments. Email and social networks the main traps. Medical devices targeted. After months of fluctuation, back… Continua a leggere Cybercrime: December worst month of 2020 in Italy
Cybercrime: diciembre es el peor mes del 2020 en Italia
Exprivia’s Cybersecurity Observatory registers a rise in cyber crimes in the final quarter of the year almost five times that of the first quarter. Finance is one of the worst hit sectors, mainly due to the increase in cashless payments. Email and social networks the main traps. Medical devices targeted. After months of fluctuation, back… Continua a leggere Cybercrime: diciembre es el peor mes del 2020 en Italia