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Está en marcha la Digital Academy promovida por la la Universidad LUM y Exprivia para formar a los profesionales del futuro

Thanks to the contribution of experts from Exprivia, the Giuseppe Degennaro LUM University expands its range with new degree courses oriented towards Digital Transformation.
The courses will offer innovative teaching programmes, coding workshops, digital hackathons, workshops for businesses and start-up incubators.

26 November 2020 – Providing innovative experiences and Digital Transformation training courses for the university students of Puglia. This is the goal of the Digital Academy by LUM University and Exprivia, the consultancy and technological solutions development company based in Molfetta and listed on the Italian stock exchange. A joint project for young people taking their first steps in the job market to become players in the society of the future.

For the 2021/2022 academic year, the partnership involves contributions from Exprivia experts and managers in a new degree course in “Digital Management Engineering” and some course in Data Science and Digital Transformation already offered as part of Economics.

The agreement was signed this morning in Casamassima in the presence of the LUM University Dean Antonello Garzoni and the president of Exprivia, Domenico Favuzzi, for the symbolic launch of the Digital Academy. The program includes a series of initiatives and pilot activities oriented mainly around the subject of Digital Transformation and which, more specifically, will concentrate on the areas of ‘Digital Health’, IoT (Internet of Things), Artificial Intelligence and Circular Economy.

Collaboration with businesses is at the centre of LUM University’s Third Mission. Our goal is to supplement our courses with real innovation experiences that can be an example of digital transformation for future generations of professionals. We are happy to flank a large multinational that cares about the growth of our area” stated Prof. Antonello Garzoni, Dean of LUM University.

The combination of university and business expertise will enable students to experience technology through coding and training workshops, practical seminars, creative hackathons and challenges in digital innovation. Workshops will also be organised to support local small and medium businesses in the long and complex process of Digital Transformation as well as a start-up incubator organised by university students or LUM graduates.

Training young people has always been a valuable asset for Exprivia – commented Domenico Favuzzi, President of Exprivia. “We firmly believe both in the chance to train future professionals as well as in the company’s social commitment to help young people achieve their goals. The new partnership with LUM University is further confirmation that more and more opportunities are being created in the south of Italy to facilitate and accelerate social mobility, to avoid brain drain and supply life blood to an area that has lots of talent and potential. Puglia has a wide range of opportunities to offer, it’s just a matter of seizing them”.