Press releases

Exprivia approves the Interim Report at 31 March 2021. In the first quarter revenues and all margins rise. Called the ordinary shareholders’ meeting


Revenues: euro 40.9 million, an increase of 5.4% compared to the 38.8 million of the first quarter of 2020 (*)
EBITDA: euro 4.7 million (equal to 11.6% of revenues), an increase of 46.0% compared to the 3.2 million in the first quarter of 2020 (*)
EBIT: euro 3.1 million (equal to 7.6% of revenues), an increase of 76.2% compared to the 1.7 million in the first quarter of 2020 (*)
Result before taxes: euro 2.3 million, an increase of 144.6% compared to 1.0 million in the first quarter of 2020 (*)
Net Financial Position: euro -40.5 million compared to -40.3 million at 31.12.2020 and -53.1 million at 31.03.2020

May 13, 2021. The Board of Directors of Exprivia - a company listed on the MTA market of Borsa Italiana [XPR.MI] - today approved the Interim Report at 31 March 2021, prepared in accordance with the International Accounting Standards (IAS / IFRS).
Despite the persistence of a volatile economic scenario, the first quarter of the year Exprivia reported revenues up by 5.4%, reaching 40.9 million compared to 38.8 (*) million in 2020. All margins are in growth: EBITDA improved significantly, reaching 4.7 million in the first quarter of 2021, an increase of 46.0% compared to 3.2 (*) million in 2020, EBIT stood at 3.1 million in increase of 76.2% compared to 1.7 (*) million in 2020, EBT stood at 2.3 million, an increase of 144.6% compared to 1.0 million in 2020 (*). The Net Financial Position stood at -40.5 million compared to -40.3 million at 31.12.2020, an important improvement compared to -53.1 million at 31.03.2020.
Double-digit growth in the Healthcare and Public Sector sectors continues in the first quarter of 2021. The Aerospace sector is also growing in double-digit, in the wake of the development of the "Space Economy" in public and private investments. A good recovery in the Telco and Media sector.

Results of the Parent Company as at 31 March 2021
Revenues amounted to 36.6 million euro compared to 34.3 million euro in the first quarter of 2020, an increase of 6.6%.
EBITDA stood at 4.7 million euro, an increase of 40.5% (3.4 million in the first quarter of 2020).
EBIT stood at 3.2 million euro, an increase of 60.2% (2.0 million in the first quarter of 2020).
Result before taxes stood at 2.3 million euro compared to 1.9 million in the same quarter of 2020, up by 21.6%.
Shareholders' equity at 31 March 2021 is equal to 67.8 million euro compared to 66.1 million euro at 31 December 2020.
The Net Financial Position at 31 March 2021 is negative for -40.2 million euro compared to -40.0 million euro at 31 December 2020, an important improvement compared to -52.5 million euro at 31 March 2020.

Called the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
The Chairman of the Board of Directors has also called the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to approve the Annual Financial Report at 31 December 2019 and the Annual Financial Report at 31 December 2020 which will be held on the 23rd June 2021, in first call, or on the 24th June 2021, in second call.
The dates of the other corporate events of 2021 remain unchanged, as per the calendar published last January 29th and changed on April 8th.
Any further changes will be promptly communicated.
This communication is made pursuant to art. 2.6.2. n. 1 letter b) of the Regolamento dei mercati organizzati e gestiti da Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Pursuant to Article 154- bis of Testo Unico della Finanza, the executive manager responsible for preparing the corporate accounts, Mr. Valerio Stea, states that the financial report in this press release contains and matches the documentary records, books and accounting records.


(*) The results for the first quarter of 2020 refer to "continuing operations" and therefore exclude the contribution of the Italtel Group, deconsolidated at 31 December 2020 and represented as a "discontinuing operation" pursuant to IFRS 5. The figures of the first quarter of 2020 differ, albeit insignificantly, from the management data, communicated on the 18th May 2020, in consideration of the deferral of the approval of the 2019 Annual Financial Report by the Board of Directors.