Press releases

Exprivia wins the tender for the expansion, development and management of acquirente unico spa's information system

The order is worth over 9 million euro and involves the supply of equipment and support and maintenance services until 2025

Exprivia S.p.A. - a company listed on the Electronic Equity Market (MTA) of the Italian Stock Exchange [XPR.MI] –– has signed the contract regarding the European tender called by Acquirente Unico SpA for the expansion, development and management of the technological platform of its Integrated Information System (IIS). The order, valid for 42 months, is worth over 9 million euro and involves the supply of hardware, software licenses and support and maintenance services.

Acquirente Unico is the public company which, using its Integrated Information System developed by Exprivia in 2011, manages information flows in the energy market for over 36 million electricity contracts and 24 million gas supply contracts every year, in addition to 7,000 billion Smart Metering readings. The system is a strategic asset for the entire national economy insofar as it supports competitiveness and facilitates data exchange between energy providers, enabling families and businesses to benefit from all the opportunities created by competition in the open market.

“Winning this tender – commented Lucio Gadaleta, manager of Digital Factory Application Integration at Exprivia - confirms our Group's role as a main player in the energy sector in Italy. The alliance with Acquirente Unico, which has seen Exprivia as technological partner for over ten years, has contributed towards the strengthening and growth of the public body within the energy market, where technology and innovation are some of the main drivers behind a company's success ”.